11 de septiembre de 2023. Establecimiento de la Alianza China-ALC del Conocimiento para el Desarrollo, en el marco del VI Foro de Diálogo entre las Civilizaciones de China y América Latina y el Caribe
Argentina is the farthest country from China in the world, about 20,000 km whether you go west or east. And throughout history, this distance had hindered communication and trade.
China-Argentina cooperation moves to a higher level
This year marks the beginning of another 50 years of China-Argentina relations, marking the start of a new journey and a new stage of development for bilateral relations.
Guo Cunhai es un académico chino del Instituto de Estudios de América Latina de la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales. CGTN lo invitó a reflexionar sobre la importancia del reciente establecimiento d
U.S. uses "Americas" as tool to pay lip service: expert
As the U.S. is hosting the 9th Summit of the Americas, a Chinese expert on Latin American studies has said that the United States uses the word "Americas" as a tool to pay lip service, noting that the
U.S. adopts double standards in democracy, human rights on Latin American issues: expert
With the exclusion of several Latin American countries, the U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas was overshadowed by the absence of multiple Latin American leaders who boycotted the meeting.
Summit of the Americas not for one country's benefit: experts
Experts have said that the Summit of the Americas should not be for one country's benefit, noting that the U.S. is placing its own interests above the common interests of the region.
Why China’s Nicaragua move is as much about the US as it is about Taiwan
When Managua switched its diplomatic allegiance from Taipei to Beijing on Friday, mainland China boosted its in uence in the US’ backyard, say observersThe announcement came on the same day as the ...
Cheers for 50 years of friendship between China and Argentina
Argentina was among the first Latin American countries to set up diplomatic relations with China, and over the past five decades the ties have withstood the test of a volatile international situation
[Libro] Historia oral: Testigos del intercambio cultural entre China y América Latina
Hace poco en la ciudad de Xuzhou participé en el foro “China-Latinoamérica: encuentro entre civilizaciones” (21 al 22 de septiembre, 2019), donde representantes del gobierno, académicos y expertos de
Presentado libro "Historia oral: voces y testigos del intercambio cultural entre China y América Lat
El libro "Historia oral: voces y testigos del intercambio cultural entre China y América Latina" fue presentado hoy sábado en el marco del Tercer Seminario "China y América Latina: diálogo entre civil
Historial oral: Testigos del intercambio cultural entre China y América Latina
El pasado 21 de septiembre tuvo el honor y el gusto de participar, en la ciudad china de Xuzhou, Provincia de Jiangsu, en la presentación de la versión en chino del libro "Historia oral: voces y testi
中国社会科学网讯(记者 王俊美)9月5日,“中国与西班牙文化交流史之思考——纪念庞迪我逝世四百周年”研讨会在北京外国语大学举行,此次研讨会由西班牙驻华大使馆、北京塞万提斯学院与北京外国语大学比较文明与人文交流高等研究院携手主办,邀请了致力于中国与西班牙及西语世界关系史研究的专家学者,就上述三方人文交流的历史、现状和未来进行研究探讨。 庞迪我(Diego de Pantoja)于1601年觐...